
Earn money by telling us about your lifestyle, shopping habits and opinions of different products and brands!








Our clients want information to better understand their shoppers, so they can improve their advertising, promotions and products.
We are looking for people to be on our panel who want to contribute to the future of shopping in South Africa.

Moola4Me is designed by Inperspective, one of SA’s leading Shopper Research Agencies.  We’ve been in this business for over 20 years and are a trusted partner to many blue-chip company brands.  Become a VIP member and get additional rewards.  We value integrity and high quality work.

So what’s in it for you?

Moola4me gives South Africans an opportunity to earn some extra moola.
You get to have a say in shaping the future and get paid for it!
Anyone in South Africa can join our panel and participate in surveys depending on certain qualifying criteria for each survey. You get paid for each of the surveys / tasks you complete.


When you first register on our Moola4Me app, you will be asked to complete a survey about who you are. This allows us to know if you qualify for any of our available surveys.
We conduct a few surveys every few months, how many you can access will depend on those which you qualify for (depending on things like your age, where you live, product usage etc.).
The length of the survey will determine how much we pay you with anything between R10 and R150 per survey. You will be asked how you prefer to be paid, either eft, e-wallet or airtime.

How to use


To register, click on the register button that appears underneath the log in details. You can only login once you have completed the registration process. You will be asked for an email address when you register. If you don’t have one, please use your name and surname followed by e.g. Please use an easy to remember password.  Please complete all your details so we can see what surveys you qualify for. 


Once you have successfully registered, use the details you provided on registration to login i.e. email address and password.


The app is easy to navigate. The Home screen will display all available surveys. You can access and update your profile information by clicking on ‘my account’ and then ‘my profile’ in the top right hand corner.  There is a shortcut to ‘my profile’ at the bottom of the screen.


It is very important that your cell number is kept updated for when we want to process your payments or send you SMS’s.


When do I get paid?

As long as the work is completed correctly and within the deadline, your payment is guaranteed!

For most of our surveys, you’ll be paid once you’ve submitted your survey and your answers have been verified by our quality control team.  Expect to receive the money within 10 days.
If you’re invited to be on our panel, you will be paid at the end of the project, for all the tasks you’ve done over the period. 

Why can’t I see any surveys?

If you cant see any surveys, this means that there are no current surveys that you  qualify for. We typically conduct a survey bi monthly.

Why can I not get past a certain point in a survey?

This usually means that you need to click the right number of responses for a question. Some questions require you to pick one answer only, whereas there are other questions where a specific number of answers are required e.g. select 3.  Please scroll down to check for any other options that might not be immediately visible at the top of the page. Once the correct options have been selected, clock on continue at bottom of page.


Shoppers are increasingly open to other brands at the POP. This
suggests that an understanding of shoppers’ needs as well as
the drivers of shopper behaviour that influence them at the POP
are key to achieving improved ROI.

Shopper Marketing Strategies (for Categories and Brands)
Differentiated Channel and Retailer Plans
Ranging (Optimisation & Rationalisation)
Merchandising Strategies (Store layouts & Category flows)
Promotional Effectiveness and ROI
Shopper Media & Communication Strategies
RTM Strategies
Expanded Distribution Programmes


For businesses who are interested in using our app, we have several licencing options available.

Please contact our team on


We assist retailers with identifying opportunities to drive traffic to
their stores, grow the basket (in terms of size, spend and / or
profitability) and optimise Category performance.

Store clustering and Format Strategy development with ‘perfect store
guidelines’ to inform:

Macro Space Planning
Promotional Strategies
Shopper Communication

Shoppers have become more savvy and as a result, are looking
for stores that offer the best value. This is impacting on channel
and retailer share of feet and basket conversion.


Moola4Me is powered by Inperspective Insight Agency. Moola4me might be new but we’ve been around for over 20 years and are well respected by our numerous Blue Chip clients in the South African market. 

Our contact details are:

Or call Julie on 082 657 3177


Shoppers are increasingly open to other brands at the POP. This suggests that an understanding of shoppers’ needs as well as the drivers of shopper behaviour that influence them at the POP are key to achieving improved ROI.

Shopper Marketing Strategies (for Categories and Brands)
Differentiated Channel and Retailer Plans Ranging (Optimisation & Rationalisation)
Merchandising Strategies (Store layouts & Category flows)
Promotional Effectiveness and ROI
Shopper Media & Communication Strategies
RTM Strategies
Expanded Distribution Programmes

Shoppers are increasingly open to other brands at the POP. This
suggests that an understanding of shoppers’ needs as well as
the drivers of shopper behaviour that influence them at the POP
are key to achieving improved ROI.


Shopper Marketing Strategies (for Categories and Brands)
Differentiated Channel and Retailer Plans
Ranging (Optimisation & Rationalisation)
Merchandising Strategies (Store layouts & Category flows)
Promotional Effectiveness and ROI
Shopper Media & Communication Strategies
RTM Strategies
Expanded Distribution Programmes